
Reach into the next dimension of customer engagement

No touch screens. No controllers. Transform any 2D screen into an intuitive 3D experience you can interact with using just your hands.


Touchless technology

Our touchless technologies allow you to interact without touching surfaces. Reassure anxious consumers by enabling them to interact safely and hygienically. Put virtual touch into brand touchpoints in out-of-home with mid-air tactile effects. Bubbles, lightning, magical sparkles, and interface controls


Hand tracking takes out-of-home to the next level

Use gesture control to interact touchlessly with digital content. Our interactive out-of-home advertising not only addresses hygiene concerns, but significantly outperforms static screens on dwell time, attention time, and ad recall.


The results so far

Out-of-home screens with touchless interactivity outperform static screens across the board.
Mid-air haptics has also been proved to add significant value over and above hand tracking alone.

Ad recall     +37%

brand awareness     +52%

more likely to purchase     x2.25